Hi, I'm Aminul Haque

Hi, I'm

I'm a self-driven software engineer specializing in AI. Passionate programmer with a knack for solving complex real-world challenges.


السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ (May peace be upon you)

I am a Computer Science graduate from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh. I have 4 years of professional work experience which help me to expertise in AI solutions, APIs, data processing, visualization, and real-time analytic solutions. My toolkit comprises Python,PyTorch, Keras, TensorFlow,Flask, Django, Git, Docker, AWS. I am dedicated to creating impactful applications that address real-world issues.

  • Languages: Python, C++, HTML/CSS, JavaScript
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV
  • Frameworks: PyTorch, Keras, TensorFlow, Flask, Django, Bootstrap
  • Tools & Technologies: Git, Docker, Heroku

I am enthusiastic about embracing challenging roles in software engineering that offer opportunities for professional growth, engaging experiences, and personal development.


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.

Professional Experience

Senior Software Engineer

July 2023 - Present

BJIT Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Mentored fellow team members to foster learning and growth.
  • Translated complex requirements into effective technical solutions.
  • Maintained clear documentation for efficient knowledge sharing.
  • Excelled in dynamic settings, meeting deadlines and embracing challenges.
  • Stayed updated with AI trends, enhancing the team's skills and capabilities.

Software Engineer

October 2019 - June 2023

BJIT Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Pioneered AI solution development using Keras and PyTorch for enhanced user experiences.
  • Crafted structured Python/C++ codebases, driving collaboration and feature integration.
  • Processed and visualized data to optimize decision-making in AI applications.
  • Collaborated on real-time analytic solutions to enable data-driven insights.
  • Contributed to optimizing AI model performance through thorough testing and validation.

Lead Research Engineer(Part-time)

March 2020 - December 2022

Pioneer Alpha, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Guided team members in various AI research-based solutions, assigning tasks to test, train, and improve performance.
  • Specialized in transfer learning, data processing, visualization, and data preparation for speech, vision, and text applications.


March 2018 – April 2018

Brain Station 23, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Developed an Android app to list GitHub repositories for specific users.
  • Utilized Android Retrofit Library for network operations.


Project Overview

This section provides a brief overview of some of my projects. Due to confidentiality agreements with clients and labs, some project details and source code may not be publicly available.

Each project description follows a consistent format:

  • Motivation: Why the project was undertaken and the problem it aimed to solve.
  • Problem Statement: A concise description of the specific challenge addressed.
  • Approach: A high-level overview of the solution strategy implemented.
  • Results: The project's key achievements and outcomes.
  • My Contribution: My specific role and responsibilities in the project.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all projects I have completed.

Stock Price Prediction with Machine Learning

Timeline: May 2022-August 2022

Motivation: Develop a model to predict future stock prices based on historical data. This project aimed to explore various machine learning techniques for financial forecasting.

Approach: I collected and preprocessed historical stock data from various sources. Then, I experimented with different machine learning algorithms like Linear Regression, Random Forests, and LSTMs to predict future prices. The model performance was evaluated using metrics like Mean Squared Error (MSE).


The LSTM model achieved the best performance compared to other algorithms. However, it's important to acknowledge the limitations of such models and the inherent uncertainty in stock price prediction.

My Contribution

Implemented data collection, preprocessing, and model training pipelines. Analyzed and interpreted the results.

Building a Chatbot with Natural Language Processing

Timeline: September 2022-December 2022

Motivation: Create a simple chatbot that can understand user queries and provide relevant responses. This project explored the fundamentals of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for building interactive applications.

Approach: I utilized libraries like NLTK and spaCy for Natural Language Processing tasks such as text cleaning, tokenization, and intent classification. The chatbot was trained on a dataset of user queries and corresponding responses.


The developed chatbot demonstrated basic capabilities of understanding and responding to simple user queries. Further improvements can be implemented for more complex interactions.

My Contribution

Designed and implemented the chatbot logic using NLP techniques. Developed the training data and evaluated the chatbot performance.

Image Classification with Deep Learning

Timeline: January 2023-Present

Motivation: Develop a model to classify images into different categories. This project aimed to gain practical experience with deep learning techniques for computer vision tasks.

Approach: I utilized deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch to build and train a convolutional neural network (CNN) model. The model was trained on a dataset of labeled images, where each image belongs to a specific category.

Results (In Progress)

Currently, I'm experimenting with different CNN architectures and hyperparameter tuning to improve the model's accuracy. I plan to explore transfer learning techniques for further optimization.

My Contribution

Implemented the CNN model architecture, trained

the model on the image dataset, and analyzed the results.

  • All
  • App
  • R&D
  • Web

Passport Photo Generation

AI-driven passport photo generation: background removal, alignment, multi-face detection.

Facial Attribute Editing

Revolutionizing facial attributes via AttrGAN: Interactive Python UI included.

Exploring Neural Networks

Activation atlas visualization is a technique used in deep learning and neural network research to visually represent and analyze the activations of individual neurons or units within a neural network.

Buying Frenzy API

Django REST API development

Movie Recommendation

A django web app using movie apis and AI.

Face morphing App

Developed a flatter App with django backend API


Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET)

Chittagong, Bangladesh

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
CGPA: 2.99/4.33

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Database Management Systems
    • Operating Systems
    • Machine Learning
    • Computer Vision

Government Science College

Tejgaon, Dhaka

Degree: Higher Secondary School Certificate
GPA: 5.00/5.00

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Mathematics
    • Physics
    • Chemistry
    • Biology
    • English



Dhaka, Bangladesh



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